Saturday, March 29, 2025

Monday, August 17, 2009

Creation of Meta Tag : Tips to create effective Meta Tags

1. Landing Page: Find the best landing page for the keyword to be optimized.

  • Part of the Key Phrase or the key phrase should be present in the URL.
  • Density of the key phrase or part of key phrase should be more

2. Page Title Creation : Page Title is the critical element for the users and search engine bots to identify contents of your page.
  • Use the keyword or the combination of the keywords in Title.
  • Title text should be between 5 to 70 characters including spaces.
  • Keep your primary keyword as the first key phrase of the Title.
  • The keyword is more heavily weighted when it is closer to the start of the Title.
  • Do not stuff the keywords in the title.
  • Create unique Title for each your pages.
  • Not to use special characters in Title.

3. Keywords Creation: Though it never affects the rankings in SERP, it is an information to the search engine about the tags for this page.
  • Start with the primary keyword used in the title.
  • Use all the keywords which are used in Title.
  • Include few keywords, commonly seen as typographical errors of primary keywords.
  • Not to repeat the same keyword more than four times.
  • Separate your keywords using commas.
  • No need to mention the keywords which is not present in the page and not intended for that particular page.
  • Keywords may not be more than 250 characters including spaces.

4. Description Creation: Unique and page related descriptions can guide the search engines for your site’s SERP captions.
  • Create unique description for each of your pages.
  • Make meaningful sentence as description which explains about that particular page.
  • Possibly use the contents of the web page.
  • Keywords used in the title should be present in the description.
  • If possible, increase the density of the primary keyword in the description.
  • Tweak the contents of the webpage little bit to introduce your keywords in it.
  • Complete the description with full stop.
  • Description should not be more than 175 characters including spaces.
  • Try to use the keywords in the description within 150 characters including spaces.
  • Do not use special characters in description text.

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