Saturday, March 29, 2025

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Google Internet Bus in God's Own Country Kerala

Google Internet BusOver the last 10 months, the Google Internet Bus has traveled to 60 towns across 4 states, giving many people their first-ever experience of the Internet. The overwhelming response they receive from the people of each state continues to inspire and encourage their efforts to engage with local communities and build local advocacy for this powerful medium.

Google Internet Bus is now in 'God's Own Country' - Kerala. Over 20 days they'll focus on four themes – education, information, communication and entertainment.

The bus will use interactive content in two languages - English and Malayalam - to highlight how people can use the Internet in their daily lives. What's more, their Google Map maker team will also be joining them to help people map their own cities in Kerala.

Users across India can follow the bus through its journey, see pictures, videos, and join online communities by simply visiting

Source: The Official Google India Blog

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