Location extensions are a quick, easy way to connect you with customers searching for your products and services when you have businesses in multiple locations. You can set up location extensions at the campaign level or at the ad level. Setting up campaign level extensions means that Google will dynamically match a campaign's text ads with the most relevant address in your account based on information like a user's location or a user's search terms. Keep in mind that the address will only be displayed when it's relevant to the user's location or search terms.
How Google match your ads to web users
Location extensions attach relevant, location-specific information to your ads for users interested in or physically near a particular geographical area.
For a limited number of phones that access Google's My Location service, Google may also serve ads based on more precise location signals derived from cell ID, Wi-Fi, or GPS. Users must opt in for their location to be used for ad-serving purposes.
Google don't share users location information with advertisers and location information is not tied to a user's Google Account for ad serving purposes.
Google Maps
On Google Maps, users will see an enhanced version of your ad whenever they submit relevant, location-specific queries for geographical areas that have eligible ads. As with Google Maps natural search results, the user's IP address isn't considered. For example, if you advertise a hotel in New York, users searching for "New York hotels" may see your ad, no matter where they're physically located. This ensures that all potential customers will have a chance to see your ad. On Google, customers who live near your business will see your ad.
The Google Network
On Google and the Search Network: We'll serve your ad to whichever locations you've targeted as a standard text ad. The address will appear for users if they're located near your business and search for a relevant query. The user's IP address is considered (when it's available). For search queries including city names, we'll target ads on Google and Search Network sites based on the search query instead of the user IP address. As a result, text-only versions of the ads may appear on Google.com and search partners when a user enters a search query for a location where there are eligible ads with ad extensions.
For example, any user searching for New York hotels on Google may see text-only versions of ads with ad extensions for New York hotels.
If you choose advanced custom targeting settings for your ad, you can further restrict which users will see your ad. For example:
If you target New York and a user in New York searches for hotels, text-only versions of ads for New York hotels may appear among the search results.
If you choose Tokyo as your target area, your ad will appear to web users in Tokyo, but not to users in other cities. It may also appear to users who search for the term Tokyo paired with one of your keywords, such as "Tokyo florist."
The Display Network: A text version of your ad may appear on relevant pages with automatic placements.
How to Enable Location Extensions
- Click the campaign you want to edit.
- Click the Ad Extensions tab. You will see the current ad extensions status for your campaign.
- Select View: Location extensions from the drop-down menu above the extensions table.
- Click New Extension under either of the following options:
- Use addresses from a Google Places account: Select this option to link an existing Google Places account to your campaign. Eligible addresses from your Google Places account may be displayed with your ad when relevant. We allow a maximum of 100 addresses per account for manual verification, and 100,000 addresses for feeds. This option is ideal for business owners.
- Use manually entered addresses: You can manually enter up to 9 business addresses. The address may be shown with your ad when relevant. This option is ideal for non-business owners.
- Click Save.
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