Saturday, March 29, 2025

Thursday, July 30, 2009

301 Redirect: Why 301 Redirect (Permanent Redirection) Is Important?

301 RedirectWhy 301 Redirect (Permanent Redirection) Is Important?

Domain Aliases: Domain Aliases allows you to point more than one domain name to a single web site. Using Domain aliases may have a negative impact on your site. You may lose traffic from visitors who follow a search engine link. To avoid this you can use 301 redirect where the search engine spider will transfer all your credits from the old page to the new page.

WWW vs Non WWW: Though the www and non www version of your site leads to the same page and have the same content technically both are different sub domains.

For eg. Take the URL’s and Search engines treat this as different sub domains. Search engines give more value to the one which gets more back links. This can lead to a risk of duplicate contents. Search engines may pick one URL based on the back links from other site and drop the others that carry the same content. To avoid this you can use the 301 redirect from one version to the other version where you want the people to visit your site. It is advisable to choose the www version as most visitors tend to use www version in the browser by default.

Site Revamping: Many of the site owners may want to revamp their site after a period of time. While revamping they have to maintain the same URL’s in the new site. Otherwise they may lose their SEO credits which they gained over a period of time. If they want to change their URL’s to more SEO friendly and also to retain the SEO credits from their old pages they can use the 301 redirect. You can redirect each individual URL from the old site to URL in the new site.

You would have got an idea about 301 redirect and their importance in SEO. Now you may want to implement it in your website and want to know how to do the 301 redirect for your website. I will come up with the information of how to do the 301 redirect in my next post.

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